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The standard response body format for our errors in our APIs follows RFC 7807.

Here is an example of an error sent together with a HTTP 400 Bad Request:

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/problem+json
Content-Language: en
"title":"Your request parameters didn't validate.",
"detail":"The request body contains one or more validation errors.",
"reason":"Must be a positive integer larger than 100"
"reason":"Must use HTTPS and validate according to the API specification"

Important: The extraDetails in the example above may be different for some errors - for instance invalidParams - for some APIs, but new APIs will use extraDetails.

Please note:

  • Most of the APIs use this error format, but legacy APIs may not. For details: See each API's specification.
  • Some errors are sent from Microsoft Azure, and not the Vipps APIs. These include 401, 403, 422 and 429. These errors may have a different format, as they are not configurable.
  • It is the integrator's responsibility to monitor and handle all errors.

See also: HTTP response codes.