Checkout API
Checkout is a Vipps MobilePay product delivering a complete checkout experience, handling payment processing, shipping and gathering user info.
To order, go to:
- Product ordering page to start the onboarding process.
For information go to:
To test Checkout:
- Visit our demo store where you can try out different flavors of Checkout
Getting started
See the Vipps MobilePay Getting started guide for information about API keys, product activation, how to make API calls, etc.
Review the detailed documentation found here:
- API quick start: Quick start
- API Guide: Developer guide for Vipps Checkout API
- API Checklist: Checklist for a Vipps Checkout integration
- API FAQs: Questions and answers
- API Reference: Checkout API reference specifications
- On-Site Messaging SDK: Guide for how to use our on-site messaging SDK