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The official .NET SDK for the Checkout and ePayment APIs. Supports .NET Standard 2.0+, .NET Core 2.0+ and .NET Framework 4.8+.

You can install the SDK with Nuget as per Installation. More information about the package can be found on


  • Serialization/deserialization
  • Authentication
  • Network retries
  • Idempotency


.NET Core CLI:

dotnet add package


var vippsConfigurationOptions = new VippsConfigurationOptions
ClientId = "CLIENT-ID",
ClientSecret = "CLIENT-SECRET",
MerchantSerialNumber = "MERCHANT-SERIAL-NUMBER",
SubscriptionKey = "SUBSCRIPTION-KEY",
UseTestMode = true


var request = new InitiateSessionRequest
MerchantInfo = new PaymentMerchantInfo
CallbackAuthorizationToken = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
CallbackUrl = "",
ReturnUrl = "",
Transaction = new PaymentTransaction
Amount = new Amount { Currency = "NOK", Value = 10000 },
PaymentDescription = "test",
Reference = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

var result = await CheckoutService.InitiateSession(request);

Unimplemented parameters and properties

This SDK offers typed request and response classes. These classes might not be up-to-date if you are on the bleeding edge of our APIs, or if you use features that are not generally available.


All request objects have a property called AdditionalProperties. This is a dictionary that if set will merge with the request object.

AdditionalProperties example:

InitiateSessionRequest initiateSessionRequest = new()
Transaction = new PaymentTransaction()
Amount = new Amount()
Currency = "NOK",
Value = 49000
PaymentDescription = "Hei"
AdditionalProperties =
{ "Configuration", new { AcceptedPaymentMethods = new[] { "WALLET", "CARD" } } }


All response objects have a property called RawResponse that contains the response in the form of a Json Object.

RawResponse example:

var response = checkoutService.InitiateSession(initiateSessionRequest);
var cancellationUrl = response.RawResponse["cancellationUrl"].ToString();