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Access token API guide

Use the Access Token API to get an authorization token that can be used with Vipps MobilePay API requests.

All API requests must include an Authorization header with a JSON Web Token (JWT), which we call the access token. The Access token API allows you to get this token.

To make requests to the Vipps MobilePay APIs you need to:

  1. First make a request to POST: /accesstoken/get to get an access token.
  2. Use the access token from (1) in the HTTP header of the other API requests.

Get an access token

The access token is obtained by calling POST:/accesstoken/get and providing these values in the HTTP header:

  • client_id (think of it as the username)
  • client_secret (think of it as the password)
  • Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key (specifies which API products you can access)

See Getting Started for information about API keys, product activation, how to make API calls, etc.

(Unfortunately, POST:/accesstoken/get is a POST without a body, to an endpoint with get in the URL. Too late to change it now, sorry.)


A sample request to POST:/accesstoken/get, including the HTTP headers:

client_id: fb492b5e-7907-4d83-ba20-c7fb60ca35de
client_secret: Y8Kteew6GE2ZmeycEt6egg==
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: 0f14ebcab0ec4b29ae0cb90d91b4a84a
Merchant-Serial-Number: 123456
Vipps-System-Name: acme
Vipps-System-Version: 3.1.2
Vipps-System-Plugin-Name: acme-webshop
Vipps-System-Plugin-Version: 4.5.6

Please note: You can have multiple access tokens, and they can be used at the same time as long as they are valid.

Please note: Partners should use partner keys if possible.


The response from POST:/accesstoken/get is like this:

"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": "86398",
"ext_expires_in": "0",
"expires_on": "1495271273",
"not_before": "1495184574",
"resource": "00000002-0000-0000-c000-000000000000",
"access_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1Ni <truncated>"

The access_token is the most important part. An explanation of the contents of the access token (the JWT properties):

token_typeIt’s a Bearer token. The word Bearer must be added before the token
expires_inToken expiry duration in seconds.
ext_expires_inExtra expiry time. Not used.
expires_onToken expiry time in epoch time format.
not_beforeToken creation time in epoch time format.
resourceFor the product for which token has been issued.
access_tokenThe actual access token that needs to be used in Authorization request header.

Please note: The access token is valid for 1 hour in the test environment and 24 hours in the production environment. To be sure that you are using correct time please use expires_in or expires_on. The access token is a JWT (JSON Web Token), and uses UTC time.

You now have the access token and can make subsequent API calls with the following HTTP headers:

Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1Ni <truncated>
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: 0f14ebcab0ec4b29ae0cb90d91b4a84a
Merchant-Serial-Number: 123456
Vipps-System-Name: acme
Vipps-System-Version: 3.1.2
Vipps-System-Plugin-Name: acme-webshop
Vipps-System-Plugin-Version: 4.5.6

Important: Remember to specify Bearer. If not, you may get a HTTP 401 Unauthorized error. See the FAQ: Why do I get HTTP 401 Unauthorized?.

Problems? See: FAQ: Common errors