Point of Sale to ePayment
Read more about the transition to one platform. Below you can find comparison between the existing MobilePay PoS API and the new ePayment API replacing MobilePay PoS.
Visit our Recommended flows to see the recommended flow for in-store payment merchant scan.
PoS and ePayment endpoints
Operation | MobilePay PoS | ePayment |
PoS management | POST/GET/DELETE /v10/pointofsales | N/A |
Initiate Payment | POST:/v10/payments | POST:/epayments/v1/payments |
Initiate Prepared payment | POST:/v10/payments/prepare | N/A (For loyalty, see Loyalty at POS) |
Query Payment | GET:/v10/payments/{paymentid} | GET:/epayments/v1/payments/{reference} |
Query Active Payments | GET /v10/payments | N/A |
Query payment log | N/A | GET:/epayments/v1/payments/{reference}/events |
Capture Payment | POST:/v10/payments/{paymentid}/capture | POST:/epayments/v1/payments/{reference}/capture |
Cancel Payment | POST:/v10/payments/{paymentid}/cancel | POST:/epayments/v1/payments/{reference}/cancel |
Refund Payment | POST:/v10/refunds | POST:/epayments/v1/payments/{reference}/refund |
Lookup a refund | GET:/v10/refunds/{refundid} | GET:/epayments/v1/payments/{reference} |
Authentication and headers
MobilePay PoS | ePayment |
Authorization (POST:/connect/token ) | Authorization (POST:/accesstoken/get ) |
X-MobilePay-Client-System-Version | Vipps-System-Version (see HTTP headers) |
N/A | Vipps-System-Name (see HTTP headers) |
N/A | Vipps-System-Plugin-Name (see HTTP headers) |
N/A | Vipps-System-Plugin-Version (see HTTP headers) |
X-MobilePay-Merchant-VAT-Number | N/A |
X-MobilePay-Idempotency-Key | Idempotency-Key (see Idempotency) |
N/A | Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key |
N/A | Merchant-Serial-Number |
Initiate Payment
MobilePay PoS | ePayment |
amount | amount (currency , value ) |
currencyCode | Applied in amount |
orderId | paymentDescription |
plannedCaptureDelay | N/A |
posId | N/A |
restrictions (debitCardDisallowed , creditCardDisallowed ) | N/A |
merchantPaymentLabel | N/A |
N/A | customer (phoneNumber ) |
N/A | customerInteraction ("CUSTOMER_PRESENT" ) |
N/A | paymentMethod (type "WALLET" ) |
N/A | reference |
N/A | userFlow ("PUSH_MESSAGE" "QR" ) |
N/A | qrFormat (format , size ) |
Response | |
paymentId | reference (set in paymentInitiation) |
Query Payment
MobilePay PoS | ePayment |
paymentId | reference |
Response | |
orderId | reference |
amount | amount (currency , value ) |
currencyCode | Applied in amount |
status | state |
N/A | aggregate (authorizedAmount , cancelledAmount , capturedAmount , refundedAmount ) |
N/A | paymentMethod (type ) |
loyaltyIds | profile (sub ) (see What is the sub ?) |
N/A | pspReference |
N/A: posId
, restrictions
, creditCardDisallowed
), merchantPaymentLabel
, plannedCaptureDelay
, customerToken
, customerReceiptToken
, paymentExpiresAt
, partialCapturePossible
, pollDelayInMs
Capture, Cancel and Refund Payment
MobilePay PoS | ePayment |
paymentId | reference |
amount | modificationAmount (currency , value ) not applicable for cancel |
Response | |
N/A | amount (currency , value ) |
N/A | state |
N/A | aggregate (authorizedAmount , cancelledAmount , capturedAmount , refundedAmount ) |
refundId only applicable for refund | pspReference |
N/A | reference |
Test environment
The test environment is called Merchant Test (MT) and is now open for test. MT currently only allows Norwegian phone numbers and merchants, but you can test the API and payment flow. Please see the details of limitations of the test environment.
You need credentials to get access to MT. Just request it on the MobilePay merchant test page, and we'll e-mail you the information you need.