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Quick start

๐Ÿ’ฅ DRAFT! The Management API is in development, but not yet available. This documentation is a working document, and used in discussions with merchants and partners to make sure we are prioritizing right, and that we are implementing the right functionality. The Management API will replace the Partner API.



Review Quick start guides for information about getting your test environment set up.

Step 1: Get the Postman collection and environmentโ€‹

Save the following files to your computer:

Step 2: Import the Postman filesโ€‹

  1. In Postman, click Import in the upper-left corner.
  2. In the dialog that opens, with File selected, click Upload Files.
  3. Select the two files you have just downloaded and click Import.

Step 3: Set up Postman environmentโ€‹

Important: Partner keys must be kept secret. They can be used to act on behalf of all the partner's merchants. It is the partner's responsibility to manage the partner keys securely. See Partner keys.

  1. Click the down arrow, next to the "eye" icon in the top-right corner, and select the environment you have imported.

  2. Click the "eye" icon and, in the dropdown window, click Edit in the top-right corner.

  3. Fill in the Current Value for the following fields to get started.

    • client-id - Partner key is required for getting the access token.
    • client-secret - Partner key is required for getting the access token.
    • Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key - Partner subscription key is required for all requests.
    • merchantSerialNumber - Merchant ID is only required for Get sales unit details based on MSN, but can be included in all headers.
    • orgno -The Organization number for the merchant. It is only used in Get merchant by organization number.
    • base_url_production - Set to:

    The Management API only works in the production environment, so base_url is set to

Make API callsโ€‹

Be aware that these are running on the production server.

Here is a proposed order of steps, but you can send most of these requests independently of each other. See the API reference for details about the calls.

Get sales unit by Merchant Serial Numberโ€‹

  1. Send request Get Access Token. This provides you with access to the API. Be sure to use the address to the production server and provide keys for a production sales unit.

  2. Send request Get sales unit details based on MSN. This returns a JSON structure with the details, including the org number. If necessary, update orgno in the environment. See GET:v0/salesunits/:msn/.

Get merchant by organization numberโ€‹

  1. Send request Get merchant by organization number for details about the merchant. See GET:v0/merchants/:orgno.

Order products on behalf of merchantsโ€‹

  1. Review the Order products on behalf of merchants to see an example of ordering products. Since this is running on the production server, you might not want to run it. See POST:v0/products/orders.